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Nespresso Professional Origin India 50ct

Nespresso Professional Origin India 50ct
$ 35.00

Sourced from India, with intense and spicy notes. Have you heard the legend of Baba Budan? In 1670 he smuggled 7 beans back to India – creating the first coffee planted outside its native African origin. India is our spirited homage to the fine arabicas and robustas he planted. Powerful and spicy – its aromatic intensity hits your palate with a noble punch worthy of its history. The coffees are hand-harvested and carefully selected, coming mostly from one single state in southern India – Karnataka. We light roast the arabica coffees to keep those subtle aromatics intact. The robusta gets a short, dark roast to bring out the punchy cocoa and spice notes. Exotic spice notes and a rich roastiness come through in Origin India with milk.

We light roast the arabicas in this Nespresso Professional capsule to keep those subtle aromatics intact. The robusta in this coffee blend gets a short, dark roast to bring out the punchy cocoa and spice notes.


India's aromas echo the coffee’s origin. The woody notes and that noble punch of clove, nutmeg and pepper all reflect what grows between the coffee trees in southern India.

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